
Green Mobility, the rise of Electric Cars

Green Mobility, the rise of Electric Cars

In the past few years the world of mobility has been living a continuous and exponential evolution. So many new things have entered our daily lives, from long-term renting for both private and commercial vehicles to Pay-per-Use, from electric cars to the re-discovery...

The biggest IoT tendencies for 2020

The biggest IoT tendencies for 2020

The Internet of Things has the potential to change the world, just as the Internet did. Maybe even more so. – Kevin Ashton IoT is one of the most interesting repercussions of Industry 4.0. Also called the Internet of objects, in the contemporary technological context,...

Self Driving Cars: Technology is helping development

Self Driving Cars: Technology is helping development

The first promo of the television series “Automan” was first aired in Italy back in 1984 and in that first episode there is a super fast and silent hologram-car. The same year, in another cult tv series known as “Knight Rider”, the main character is KITT, a talking...



Big Data: a short introduction Big Data and Analytics are two of the biggest revolutions that happened in the last few years in the digital world. It is a growing trend that will have an even bigger impact on our lives but it will also revolutionalize the way in which...

Virtual Reality – Augmented Reality: a step into the future

Virtual Reality – Augmented Reality: a step into the future

Amongst all the different fashionable technologies, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality represent a very interesting context which allow people to “really” live some immersive experiences. Both of them will see a rapid expansion in the next future since they both...

Industry 4.0: Less robots and more people!

Industry 4.0: Less robots and more people!

In 2011 at Hannover Fair, in Germany, for the first time the word “Industry 4.0” was mentioned aloud. This is the name of the new project for the business of tomorrow presented by the German Government. The plan forecast investments on infrastructures, schools,...

Code in the Dark, Fabrizio Calderan won the Code Master 2019 title

Code in the Dark, Fabrizio Calderan won the Code Master 2019 title

Code in the Dark took place fot its second year in the underground location of ARGO16 in Venice. It is an international format, a unique contest that has involved some thirty front-end developers in the only challenge of “blind coding” in Italy and more than 200...

SMEs: how to strengthen your defences against modern threats

SMEs: how to strengthen your defences against modern threats

In the next few years, enterprises with a low level of IT security will find themselves in great danger: Industry 4.0 and IoT devices will create a massive number of point of attacks making us way more vulnerable than today. Will SMEs be able to defend themselves from...

Happiness at work, why we should stop looking for it

Happiness at work, why we should stop looking for it

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