Interlogica CEO Alessandro Fossato will be a special guest lecturer in the course Organizing in a Digital World taught by Professor Elena Raviola from the University of Gothenburg, who is currently a visiting professor at the Venice School of Management at Ca’ Foscari. This course is a part of the graduate program in Digital Management hosted at the H-Farm campus. 

This collaboration offers a unique opportunity to share insights and strategies that have played a pivotal role in shaping Interlogica into an agile and human-centric company, well-equipped to navigate the challenges of a constantly evolving market.

Fossato’s presentation centers on the critical significance of organizational dynamics within an era characterized by high levels of innovation, fierce competition, and escalating complexity, all hallmarks of the digital age. The aim of this discussion is to prompt profound reflections among students regarding alternative approaches to organization compared to those commonly employed by large multinational corporations and traditional industrial entities.

Throughout the event, various topics will be explored, including:

What does it take to become an agile organization?
How do we define a humanistic organization?
What advantages come with being both agile and humanistic in today’s dynamic market?

These questions serve as the foundation for a comprehensive exploration of the contemporary business landscape, underscoring the pivotal role that business organizations play in the process of digital transformation.

The gathering doesn’t merely serve as a platform for sharing but is designed to lead and motivate students as they delve into novel and cutting-edge strategies for managing businesses. It also offers an inspiring educational experience for those seeking to comprehend how innovation and digital transformation can mold the future of the business world.