Renzo Taffarello, University professor, member and advisor of Interlogica’s Board of Directors had the pleasure of being one of the speakers at Innovation Arabia 14, the yearly conference aimed at spreading the culture of innovation worldwide.

The fourteenth edition – Innovation Everywhere – organized by Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University in partnership with Index for Conferences and Exhibitions is held online on 22 – 24 February 2021. Its aim is to highlight new innovation platforms and to address the challenges faced by universities, business, and government organizations.

A virtual event unraveling through a series of scientific presentations, webinars, round tables, workshops, exchanges, social activities, and exhibitions.
Innovation Arabia 14 consists of the following five subthemes: Crisis Management and Business Continuity, Smart Future Enablers, Learning for a Better Life, Social Innovation Systems, Virtual Experience Economy.

In his speech, entitled “How to have a profitable role in a data-driven economy where few big organizations have the Big Data Assets. How to do that, what combination of technologies, what economic implications are the key questions addressed” Taffarello presented the results of an ongoing research project (Regional and EU R&D grants) on how to create a Big Data environment using local data from different proprietary sources. Data is the foundation of smart, intelligent, and unique systems & services development, a must-have for a prominent future data-driven economy.

The EU is promoting the single European data marketplace, a concept which foresees a role for each possessor of data. The research project “TUNE Big Data Confederation”– TUNE – Territory Utilities Network, a network of companies aiming to promote smart and sustainable territory management–has involved local Utilities and Municipalities, IT companies (Interlogica, Bedigital, Dataveneta) as well as the Universities of Venice and Padova.

How do we pave the way for our future in a world where data is the key asset and few organizations own it?
The key to the solution is called Big Data Confederation: a confederation of the data of all the participants, managed by an innovative distributed digital platform with connectors based on smart contracting, blockchain, AI, and compliant with privacy, confidentiality, and security.

The Parallel Session 6, moderated by Dr. Fadi Al Sakka, School of Business and Quality Management, HBMSU, was attended by senior professionals from both the academic and the business community.

The economic development strategies implemented reveal research and innovation as key factors to increase competitiveness. Research is the core driver for sustainable economic and social development, while economies based on innovation and knowledge can help boost growth and spur entrepreneurship.

Innovation Arabia 14 is undoubtedly a platform for communities aspiring to a new level of success in the field of innovation and at the same time an excellent springboard for Interlogica to present the initial results of an ongoing research project of enormous potential: Big Data Confederation.


Innovation Everywhere
22 – 24 FEBRUARY 2021

PARALLEL SESSION 6 – Professional & Academics
Renzo Taffarello, University professor, advisor and member of Interlogica’s Board of Directors and
How to have a profitable role in a data-driven economy where few big organizations have the Big Data Assets. How to do that, what combination of technologies, what economic implications are the key questions addressed.