Alessandro Fossato, Interlogica’s CEO, is one of the speakers at the “Specialization Course in Blockchain and Smart Contracts” which will be held on November, 15th, at the Trabucchi Auditorium in Padua. The course is mainly for lawyers, entrepreneurs, managers, consultants and SMEs and it aims to talk about Blockchain from an operational, legal and business point of view.

The speech that Mr Fossato will deliver closely looks at the dynamics of using Blockchain at Interlogica for the BigUp! project, an Employee Recognition platform which allows an exchange of tokens amongst colleagues (a systems that substitutes the now obsolete way of distributing top-down bonuses) and which, at the same time, promotes soft skills.

Blockchain technology offers the opportunity to re-think the way in which business processes are handled through a safe mechanism to implement them. In such context, all the information shared can be easily tracked but, at the same time, we can also modify the very way we live the business by creating a work environment which is positive, healthy and which sees an exchange of continuous feedback.

The presentation Mr. Fossato will discuss during his speech aims at highlighting the high potential of this technology as a growing tool for a new competitiveness for businesses in the digital economy. At the same time it gives competencies to analyze the different evolutions that such innovation is bringing in new ecosystems, in businesses and organizations to better understand legal implications and to evaluate and manage change.

Specialization Course in Blockchain and Smart Contracts
November 15th and 29th, December 13th 2019

Auditorium Studio Trabucchi
Passeggiata Arturo Miolati, 2

Blockchain and Smart Contracts
Alessandro Fossato, CEO Interlogica
Friday, November 15th 2019